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Continuing and Professional Education Division (CPED)


The School of Continuing Education (SCE) aspires to provide quality education and lifelong learning opportunities to enhance students’ competitiveness, employability and personal growth. The Continuing and Professional Education Division (CPED) abides by the same aspiration. It strives to equip students with theoretical and professional knowledge as well as practical skills to prepare them for career readiness, academic advancement and personal development.


The Division currently offers a wide spectrum of part-time and full-time programmes with multiple articulation pathways to unleash the full potential of our students. Our course participants range from high school students, S6 school leavers to mature persons. To upgrade the knowledge and skills of working adults to meet the challenges of the fast-changing economy, the Continuing Studies and Training Section offers a range of part-time courses and programmes to help keep them moving forward for career advancement, academic development and personal enhancement. The College Foundation Programmes Section provides students with an opportunity to obtain a solid foundation for further academic and vocation-oriented studies. The Higher Diploma Section provides specialized training to the younger generation to allow them to pursue further study and future careers in several key sectors of the economy. The International Programmes Section collaborates with renowned and recognized overseas higher education providers to offer top-up Bachelor’s degree programmes for local sub-degree level students and adult learners.


Leveraging on the competency and knowledge gained from our programmes, our graduates are able to achieve their study and career goals, take up employment across different industries and gain promotion within their own organizations. Echoing the School’s vision and mission, CPED will continue to strive for excellence in meeting the learning needs of the community by providing quality education opportunities and promoting whole-person development.





Academic Staff

Dr. Wendy M.Y. Sun BA (Manitoba), MEd (Sheffield), EdD (Bristol)
Mr. Chan Chun-kit BSSc (CUHK), PGDip (HKBU), MA (CUHK), PGDip (SPACE), MSc (CUHK)
Ms. Rita Chan BA (Hons) (HKBU), MA (CUHK)
Ms. Vivian M.S. Chan BA (Hons) (CityU), MA (CUHK), RSW
Dr. Cheer Y. M. Cheung BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD (CityU)
Mr. Chui Kwok-ming BSc (CUHK), PGDE(S) (OUHK), MStat (HKU)
Mr. Ben C.L. Fung BEng (Hons) (HKUST), BSc (Hons) (London), MPhil (CUHK), CFA®
Ms. Carol M.C. Kwong TCert (Grantham), BEd (Wolverhampton), MSc (CUHK), Prof. Dip.(Jewellery Design)
Dr. Keith Y.P. Lai BSocSc, MEcon (HKU), MPAcc (PolyU), DBA (Newcastle), FCPA (HKICPA), FRM
Ms. Sherine S.M. Mak BA (Hons) (CityU), MBA (CUHK), GCBusRes (Newcastle), MIHRM (HK)
Mr. Nicky L.K. Ng BA (Hons) (Huddersfield), MSocSc (HKBU)
Dr. Alvin Tang BSc, MPhil, PhD (HKU), Certified Arborist, ISA TRAQ (ISOA)
Dr. Clara M. Wan BS (Beijing Normal), MSc (Peking), PhD (CityU)
Mr. Ricky C.K. Wong BEd (HKU), MA (PolyU)
Dr. Poline Xian

BEng (Hunan), MSc, PhD (Duke)

Ms. Connie S.H. Yeung BA, PCEd (HKU), MA (CityU)
Mr. Yeung Yiu-sing BA (Hons) (Portsmouth), PGDE, MEd (HKU)
Ms. Sheris S.Y. Yip BSc (Upper Iowa), BA, PGDE, MA (CUHK)
Mr. Ng Shiu-fung BSocSc (Hons) (OUHK), MSocSc (HKU), RSW




Full-time Programmes

Part-time Programmes



Study Path

Study path of CPED full-time programmes

Study path of CPED part-time programmes

Study path of CPED part-time programmes

Study path of CPED part-time programmes


Advisory Committee

Dr. Mile Cheng Founder & Director, The Campanions CCM Limited (Chairman)
Mr. Kenny Au Vice Chairman, International Jewellery Designer Association
Mr. Chan Chi Kin Former Principal Immigration Officer, Immigration Department, Government of HKSAR
Mrs. Dora Kim Managing Director, Balzano Group Limited
Mr. Daniel Lau Director, Po Shing Construction Limited
Dr. Wan Lap Man Deputy Executive Director, Hong Kong Playground Association
Mr. Corvus Yip Director, Investment Services Department, Essence International Financial Holdings Ltd.
Prof. Ronald C. K. Chung Dean, SCE (Ex-officio)
Dr. Wendy Sun Head of Continuing and Professional Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)



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