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Short Courses

Autumn Term 2024


Section Code Location Room No. Commencing Date
06APA1301A Kowloon Tong Campus Centre (DLB) DLB405 09-Jul-2024
06APA1302A Kowloon Tong Campus Centre (DLB) DLB405 10-Jul-2024
06HEC9301A Kowloon Tong Campus Centre (DLB) DLB403 11-Jul-2024
15ACT4105A Town Centre TWN601 22-Jul-2024
15BAM4110A Town Centre TWN501 26-Jul-2024
15FIN4102A Town Centre TWN602 24-Jul-2024
15FLE1302A Town Centre TWN602 23-Jul-2024
15FLE1308A Town Centre TWN503 13-Aug-2024
15HRM4101A Town Centre TWN506 24-Jul-2024
15KOR1211A Town Centre TWN503 24-Jul-2024
15KOR1221A Town Centre TWN504 25-Jul-2024
15OLG1501A Town Centre TWN603 22-Jul-2024
15OLG1901A Town Centre TWN604 22-Jul-2024
15OLG1902A Town Centre TWN604 23-Jul-2024
15OLG1903A Town Centre TWN604 26-Jul-2024
15OLG1904A Town Centre TWN604 25-Jul-2024
15PSC4001A Town Centre TWN503 22-Jul-2024
16GEM0033A Kowloon East Centre MC705 25-Jul-2024
16GEM0071A Kowloon East Centre MC706 24-Jul-2024
16GEM9301A Kowloon East Centre MC706 26-Jul-2024
16GEM9302A Kowloon East Centre MC706 27-Jul-2024
16PSC4211A Kowloon East Centre MC708 22-Jul-2024
16PSC9302A Kowloon East Centre MC708 25-Jul-2024
59CMU0315A Wan Chai Centre WCH2605 12-Jul-2024
59EGE1500A Wan Chai Centre WCH2605 11-Jul-2024

Note: For the address of the Learning Centres, please click HERE


Please click here

School Regulations

  1. Attendance to an enrolled course is restricted to the student himself / herself.
  2. Students are not allowed to attend sections other than the enrolled one without prior approval by the School. In case of violation, the School reserves the right to terminate the student's right to attend the class and the tuition fee will not be refunded.
  3. Students should bring along their registration slips and H.K.I.D. Cards to classes for identification, or their entries may be denied. Students who have lost the registration slips should apply for re-issuance at the Kowloon Tong Campus Centre, Kowloon East Centre, Town Centre or Wan Chai Centre. A handling fee of $50* will be charged.
  4. Students are encouraged to attend all classes in order to keep up with the learning progress. Absentees have no right to object to any decisions made regarding changes in class schedule between instructors and students during class period.
  5. Students would be treated as absent if they do not attend the lessons, regardless of the reason(s).
  6. Students should be punctual. Students who are late and / or take early leave for more than a quarter of the scheduled time would be treated as absent for the whole lesson, regardless of the reason(s).
  7. All mobile phones and pagers should be turned off/to silent mode during the lessons.
  8. Students should observe the School regulations, respect instructors and uphold class discipline. Students who misbehave or violate the School regulations or the laws of Hong Kong may be requested to withdraw from the course with no refund. If a student has caused damage to public property, a fine will be levied based on the market value of the damaged item.


Examination Arrangement & Certificates Issuance

Summer Term 2024

Autumn 2024


* All fees are subject to change without prior notice.



I. Arrangement of Classes


“Amber” or “Red” Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued

If an “Amber” or “Red” Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force before class hours, students are expected to come to classes provided that it is permissible under the prevailing traffic and weather conditions. If it is issued in the middle of the day, classes will continue.


“Black” Rainstorm Warning Signal or/and Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is/are issued/hoisted / “Extreme Conditions” is in place

  Arrangements of Classes (See Note)
Classes in progress

“Black” Rainstorm Warning Signal:
Classes will continue until the end of the session.


Typhoon Signal No. 8 / “Extreme Conditions”:
Classes will be suspended immediately.

Between 6:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Classes starting before 1:00 p.m. will be cancelled.

(Example: a 2-hour class which runs from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. will be cancelled.)

Between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Classes starting before 6:00 p.m. will be cancelled.

(Example: a 2-hour class which runs from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. will be cancelled.)

After 3:00 p.m. Classes starting after 3:00 p.m. will be cancelled.


II. Arrangement of Examinations


“Amber” or “Red” Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued

Examinations will be held as scheduled when an “Amber” or “Red” Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force. However, students should be allowed to sit for make-up examinations if they cannot attend examinations owing to bad weather conditions.


“Black” Rainstorm Warning Signal or/and Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is/are issued/hoisted / “Extreme Conditions” is in place

  Arrangements of Examinations (See Note)
Examinations in progress

Examinations will continue until the completion of the sessions.

Between 6:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Examinations starting at or before 1:30 p.m. will be postponed.

(Example: a 2-hour examination which runs from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. will be postponed.)

Between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Examinations starting at or before 6:00 p.m. will be postponed.

(Example: a 2-hour examination which runs from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. will be postponed.)

After 3:00 p.m. Examinations starting after 3:00 p.m. will be postponed.


Forecast on Issuing of Typhoon Signal No. 8:

If the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Typhoon Signal No. 8 will be issued at a prescribed period of time, classes/examinations which fall within that period will be cancelled/postponed.


(i) Please refer to the CIE webpage for programmes of the College of International Education. 
(ii) The above arrangements do NOT apply to the following:

- Applied Learning (ApL) Courses (Please refer to the announcements made by the Education Bureau).
- Corporate training/commissioned courses (Please refer to notices or webpages of individual courses).

(iii) Announcements made by the Education Bureau do NOT apply to the School.


September 2023


Public and School Holidays (Up to Jun 2025)

Classes will be suspended on:

Public Holidays:

18 Sept 2024

1 Oct 2024

11 Oct 2024

25 and 26 Dec 2024

1 Jan 2025

29 to 31 Jan 2025

4 Apr 2025

18 and 19 Apr 2025

21 Apr 2025

1 May 2025

5 May 2025

31 May 2025

School Holidays:

17 Sept 2024 (only evening class will be suspended)

24 Dec 2024 (only evening class will be suspended)

31 Dec 2024 (only evening class will be suspended)

28 Jan 2025 (only evening class will be suspended)