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Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division (ECEED)


The School of Continuing Education (SCE) has a vision for the development of professional training courses for local practitioners in basic education. The Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division (ECEED) is the academic arm of the School to foster the continuing professional development of quality teacher education programmes. The School is the first higher education institute to offer early childhood education programme at the degree level and was commissioned by the government to offer the Bachelor of Education (Honours) Programme to practicing primary teachers in 1994. In view of the expanding need for quality training services in early childhood education, the ECEED made a firm commitment to uplift the professionalism of early childhood educare practitioners.


The Division offers a range of academic programmes on a full-time or part-time basis to provide pre-service and in-service training in basic education studies with qualifications awarded from certificate to postgraduate levels. All programmes are offered with a core emphasis on the advancement of academic qualifications as well as teaching skills for local early childhood and elementary education practitioners. With the continuous development of basic education programmes and the increasing number of government-commissioned courses operated in recent years, the ECEED has further affirmed its leading role and expertise in the provision and enhancement of early childhood and elementary education training in the community.


Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division




Academic Staff

Dr. Paulina P.S. Yuen BSc (Toronto), MA (San Francisco State), EdD (Southern California)
Dr. Paulina P.S. Yuen BSc (Toronto), MA (San Francisco State), EdD (Southern California)
Dr. Franziska O.Y. Cheng BA (Hons), MPhil (LU), PhD (CUHK)
Mr. James Lee BSc (Colorado State), MSc (Michigan)
Ms. Luk Hoi-ting BSc (Imperial College London), MMus (Royal College), PGDE (HKU), Prof Dip (CUHK)
Dr. Tiffany H.L. Sin BA (Hons) (PolyU), MA (CUHK), MEd (EdUHK), EdD (CUHK), SMPG (SENG), MHKPCA, RSW, RCCW, Reg Clin Supr
Miss Daisy K.M. Wong BA (Marymount Manhattan College), MAP-DLN (PolyU)
Ms. Wong Sing-ying BA (Hons) (HKBC), MDiv (HKBTS), MEd (HKIEd)
Ms. Winnie Wong BSc, MEd (Springfield College)
Dr. Karen Cheung BA (CUHK), PGCE (HKU), MA, MEd (CUHK), EdD (HKMU)
Ms. Kiki M.K. Lau BEd (ECE) (HKIEd), MA (CUHK), RT (EDB), RCCW


Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division




Study Path

Study Path




Advisory Committee

Mr. Raymond Kwok Director, Eagle Wide Limited (Chairman)
Ms. Brenda Chan Supervisor, Learning Habitat Kindergarten
Prof. Patrick Ip Clinical Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Mr. Joseph Kung Episcopal Delegate for Education, Catholic Education Office, The Catholic Diocesan Hong Kong
Dr. Clement Lau Head, Department of School Education, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong
Ms. SaSa Lee Principal Social Services Secretary (Family & Child Care), Social Services Department, Po Leung Kuk
Ms. Rachel Leung Chief Executive Officer, Heep Hong Society
Ms. Carmen Siu Principal, St. Matthias’ Church Chiu Chun Kindergarten
Ms. Patricia Tang Service Head, Early Childhood Education Service, Hong Kong Christian Service
Ms. Louise Yip Deputy Chief Executive Officer, SAHK
Prof. Ronald C. K. Chung Dean, SCE (Ex-officio)
Dr. Paulina Yuen Acting Head of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)


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