Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division (ECEED)
The School of Continuing Education (SCE) has a vision for the development of professional training courses for local practitioners in basic education. The Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division (ECEED) is the academic arm of the School to foster the continuing professional development of quality teacher education programmes. The School is the first higher education institute to offer early childhood education programme at the degree level and was commissioned by the government to offer the Bachelor of Education (Honours) Programme to practicing primary teachers in 1994. In view of the expanding need for quality training services in early childhood education, the ECEED made a firm commitment to uplift the professionalism of early childhood educare practitioners.
The Division offers a range of academic programmes on a full-time or part-time basis to provide pre-service and in-service training in basic education studies with qualifications awarded from certificate to postgraduate levels. All programmes are offered with a core emphasis on the advancement of academic qualifications as well as teaching skills for local early childhood and elementary education practitioners. With the continuous development of basic education programmes and the increasing number of government-commissioned courses operated in recent years, the ECEED has further affirmed its leading role and expertise in the provision and enhancement of early childhood and elementary education training in the community.
The School of Continuing Education (SCE) has a vision for the development of professional training courses for local practitioners in basic education. The Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division (ECEED) is the academic arm of the School to foster the continuing professional development of quality teacher education programmes. The School is the first higher education institute to offer early childhood education programme at the degree level and was commissioned by the government to offer the Bachelor of Education (Honours) Programme to practicing primary teachers in 1994. In view of the expanding need for quality training services in early childhood education, the ECEED made a firm commitment to uplift the professionalism of early childhood educare practitioners.
The Division offers a range of academic programmes on a full-time or part-time basis to provide pre-service and in-service training in basic education studies with qualifications awarded from certificate to postgraduate levels. All programmes are offered with a core emphasis on the advancement of academic qualifications as well as teaching skills for local early childhood and elementary education practitioners. With the continuous development of basic education programmes and the increasing number of government-commissioned courses operated in recent years, the ECEED has further affirmed its leading role and expertise in the provision and enhancement of early childhood and elementary education training in the community.
Academic Staff
Dr. Paulina P.S. Yuen | BSc (Toronto), MA (San Francisco State), EdD (Southern California) |
Dr. Paulina P.S. Yuen | BSc (Toronto), MA (San Francisco State), EdD (Southern California) |
Dr. Franziska O.Y. Cheng | BA (Hons), MPhil (LU), PhD (CUHK) |
Mr. James Lee | BSc (Colorado State), MSc (Michigan) |
Ms. Luk Hoi-ting | BSc (Imperial College London), MMus (Royal College), PGDE (HKU), Prof Dip (CUHK) |
Dr. Tiffany H.L. Sin | BA (Hons) (PolyU), MA (CUHK), MEd (EdUHK), EdD (CUHK), SMPG (SENG), MHKPCA, RSW, RCCW, Reg Clin Supr |
Miss Daisy K.M. Wong | BA (Marymount Manhattan College), MAP-DLN (PolyU) |
Ms. Wong Sing-ying | BA (Hons) (HKBC), MDiv (HKBTS), MEd (HKIEd) |
Ms. Winnie Wong | BSc, MEd (Springfield College) |
Dr. Karen Cheung | BA (CUHK), PGCE (HKU), MA, MEd (CUHK), EdD (HKMU) |
Ms. Kiki M.K. Lau | BEd (ECE) (HKIEd), MA (CUHK), RT (EDB), RCCW |
▹ Full-time Programmes
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education
- Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
▹ Part-time Programmes
- Master of Education
- Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education - Senior Year Admission
- Diploma in Special Child Care Work
- Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Music Education
- Professional Diploma in Infant and Toddler Educare
- Certificate in Parent Education (Early Childhood)
- Certification Course for Kindergarten Principals (Chinese Stream)
- Certification Course for Kindergarten Principals (English Stream)
- English Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers (Government-commissioned Programme)
- Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers (Government-commissioned Programme)
- Professional Training Courses for Early Childhood Teachers and Parents
- Continuing Professional Development Seminars for Kindergarten Principals and Teachers
▹ Other Programmes
- Mainland / Overseas Inbound Study Programmes
▹ Full-time Programmes
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education
- Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
▹ Part-time Programmes
- Master of Education
- Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education - Senior Year Admission
- Diploma in Special Child Care Work
- Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Music Education
- Professional Diploma in Infant and Toddler Educare
- Certificate in Parent Education (Early Childhood)
- Certification Course for Kindergarten Principals (Chinese Stream)
- Certification Course for Kindergarten Principals (English Stream)
- English Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers (Government-commissioned Programme)
- Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers (Government-commissioned Programme)
- Professional Training Courses for Early Childhood Teachers and Parents
- Continuing Professional Development Seminars for Kindergarten Principals and Teachers
▹ Other Programmes
- Mainland / Overseas Inbound Study Programmes
Study Path
Advisory Committee
Mr. Raymond Kwok | Director, Eagle Wide Limited (Chairman) |
Ms. Brenda Chan | Supervisor, Learning Habitat Kindergarten |
Prof. Patrick Ip | Clinical Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong |
Mr. Joseph Kung | Episcopal Delegate for Education, Catholic Education Office, The Catholic Diocesan Hong Kong |
Dr. Clement Lau | Head, Department of School Education, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong |
Ms. SaSa Lee | Principal Social Services Secretary (Family & Child Care), Social Services Department, Po Leung Kuk |
Ms. Rachel Leung | Chief Executive Officer, Heep Hong Society |
Ms. Carmen Siu | Principal, St. Matthias’ Church Chiu Chun Kindergarten |
Ms. Patricia Tang | Service Head, Early Childhood Education Service, Hong Kong Christian Service |
Ms. Louise Yip | Deputy Chief Executive Officer, SAHK |
Prof. Ronald C. K. Chung | Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) |
Dr. Paulina Yuen | Acting Head of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener) |
News and Events
▹ News
- HKBU SCE 45th Anniversary Anthology of Education Theses
- Hong Kong Early Childhood Education Manpower, Pay and Benefits Survey
- HKBU SCE 45th Anniversary International Conference attracts about 500 participants to share on nature-based early childhood education
- HKBU SCE organises 45th Anniversary Online International Conference Gathering Experts Worldwide Exploring Nature-based Early Childhood Education
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- 浸大幼兒教育學員參與南澳交流團 了解當地幼教發展 建立國際教學視野
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- HKBU Early Childhood Education Students on Exchange Tour to Adelaide, Australia
- 浸大「幼兒教育學教育學士(榮譽)學位課程」學員 獲第五屆香港傑出準教師選舉「傑出準教師金獎」
- 浸大持續教育學院幼兒及基礎教育部辦模擬求職面試 獲業界面授機宜 為求職做好準備
- OMEP-Hong Kong and HKSAR Government Education Bureau brings together international experts to discuss early childhood education topics at Asia Pacific conference
- 世界幼兒教育聯會香港分會及香港特區政府教育局合辦亞太研討會 雲集國際專家探討幼兒教育議題
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▹ Events
▹ Article Contribution