









梁淑琴博士 BBA (CUHK), DipEpid&AppliedStat (CUHK), PhD (PolyU), RN (General) (NCHK), FHKAN (Education & Research – Education), FHKAN (Nursing & Health Care Management)
Dr. Kubi Appiah BMed, BSur (Shenyang Medical College), PhD (CUHK)
蒋颂恩博士 BNurs (HKU), MSc Nursing (PolyU), DN (CUHK), RN (General) (NCHK)
钟玉倩博士 BNurs (CUHK), MNurs, DN (HKU), RN (General) (NCHK), FHKAN
符菁华女士 MSc (CUHK), BHS (Western Sydney), RN (General) (NCHK)
何彩燕博士 BSc (Hons) (PolyU), MSc, DN (CUHK), RN (General) (NCHK), BLS Instructor
吴美芬博士 BNurs (Newcastle), MNurs (Monash), DN (CUHK), RN (General) (NCHK), FHKAN (Med- Rehab) 
彭慧心博士 BSc (Hons) (Oxford Brookes), Dip (TCMN) (HKCCMN), MSc (Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences) (CUHK), MSc (Acupuncture) (CUHK), PhD (GZUCM), TCert (Acupressure in First Aid) (HKLSS), Specialty Nurse (Neuroscience Nursing) (HA), RN (General) (NCHK) 
潘小敏女士 BSc (Hons) (PolyU), MSc (CUHK), Prof Dip (NSNCUHK), RN (General) (NCHK)
黄嘉恩博士 BS Foods & Nutrition (Cal Poly Pomona), BS (LLU), PhD (PolyU), RN, PHN (BRN), RN (General) (NCHK)
黄婷婷女士 BHS (Western Sydney), MSW (HKU), RSW, RN (General) (NCHK)
袁慧仪博士 BSc (Hons), PGDip (PolyU), MSc (CUHK), PhD (HKU), RN (General), APNs (NCHK), FHKAN
翁美思女士 BSc, MSc (Oxford Brookes), RN (General) (NCHK)







林崇绥博士 Director and Consultant, Salubrity Living Wellness Centre Ltd. (Chairman)

President, HK Association for Conflict & Catastrophe Medicine


Social Services Manager (Home Care and Professional Development), Yan Oi Tong Limited

陈永光博士 Chairperson, Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association Ltd.
张旭红女士 Department Operations Manager, Department of Family Medicine & Primary Healthcare, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
葛莉教授 Professor and Deputy Dean, School of Nursing, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Prof. Naohiro Hohashi Professor, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kobe University, Japan
胡文郁教授 Director, Department of Nursing, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan
李惠儿博士 Chief Nursing Officer, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital
岑浩强教授 Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
薛咏红博士 Adjunct Associate Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing,
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
钟志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio)
梁淑琴博士 Head of Nursing Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)



陈嘉琪教授 The University of Hong Kong
陈家华教授 School of Communication, HKBU
陈景祥教授 Department of Journalism, HKBU
陈佩仪教授 Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
陈镜治工程师 Power Hub Ltd.
陈玉蝉女士 The University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital
陈弋风教授 Lingnan University
陈艳博士 The University of Hong Kong
郑玉如女士 Evangel Hospital
张国威教授 Department of Computer Science, HKBU
赵其琨教授 Department of Management, HKBU
朱耀伟教授 The University of Hong Kong
方富辉博士 Hong Kong Shue Yan University
冯丽姝博士 City University of Hong Kong
冯应谦教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
冯玉娟教授 Tung Wah College
刘咏聪教授 Department of History, HKBU
黄旭教授 Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems, HKBU
邝可怡教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
蓝志雄教授 University of Macau
刘永松教授 Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, HKBU
李慧心教授 Hong Kong Metropolitan University
梁灏锵教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
李敏教授 School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU
李浩祥教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
廖慧娴女士 CUHK Medical Centre
雷雄德博士 The Education University of Hong Kong
文洁华教授 Hong Kong Metropolitan University
吴福强先生 Shun Hing Electric Service Centre Ltd, Shun Hing Group
邱建文教授 Department of Biology, HKBU
石丹理教授 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
施立培教授 School of Business, HKBU
黄富强教授 Department of Social Work, HKBU
黄金月教授 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



赖锦玉教授 Professor of International Nursing (Special Mission), Faculty of Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine





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