Dr. Rebecca C.K. Pang | 彭楚君博士
Lecturer I
Teaching Areas
- Fundamentals of Nursing
- Gerontological Nursing
- Adult Care Nursing
- Nursing Research
Research Interests
- Gerontological care
- Family and community care
- Chronic illness care
- Qualitative research
Professional Qualifications
- Registered Nurse (General)
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed journals
- Lee, L. Y. K., & Pang, R. C. K. (2021). Physical activity in physically independent elders. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 40(S1), 65.
- Pang, R. C. K. & Lee, T. F. D. (2019). Finding positives in caregiving: The unique experiences of Chinese spousal caregivers of persons with young-onset dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 18(5), 1615-1628. Doi: 10.1177/1471301217724026
- Lee, T. F. D. & Pang, R. C. K. (2019). Promoting family-centered Advance Care Planning in China. Chinese Nursing Management, 19 (3), 326-329. Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-1756.2019.03.002
- Pang, R. C. K. & Lee, T. F. D. (2018). The impacts of dementia on the family: Implications for family-centered care. Age and Ageing, 47(Suppl. 2), ii1. Doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy041.03
- Pang, R. C. K. & Lee, T. F. D. (2018). The unique experiences of Chinese spousal caregivers of persons with young-onset dementia. Age and Ageing, 47(Suppl 2), ii1. Doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy041.04
- Pang, R. C. K. & Lee, T. F. D. (2017). Finding meaning in dementia family caregiving: A pilot study. Innovation in Aging, 1(Suppl. 1), 463-464. Doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.1652
- So, W. K. W., Fung, O. W. M., Chan, J. C. Y., Choi, K. C., Chan, C. W. H., Chair, S. Y., … Pang, C. K. (2014). Unmet needs and their associated factors among Chinese head and neck cancer survivors at one year after treatment: What does it imply to healthcare professionals? Supportive Care in Cancer, 22(Suppl. l), S209.
Publications in Local Media
- 李子芬,彭楚君. (2018, August 26). 推動「人性化」的樂齡科技. Sing Tao Daily.
- 李子芬,彭楚君. (2017, June 9). 告別「家庭照顧悲劇」. Ming Pao.
Professional / Community Services
- Member, The Nursing Council of Hong Kong, 2020-present
- Member, Accreditation Committee, The Nursing Council of Hong Kong, 2020-present
- Member, Registered Nurse (General) Examination Sub-committee, The Nursing Council of Hong Kong, 2020-present
- Member, Enrolled Nurse (General) Examination Sub-committee, The Nursing Council of Hong Kong, 2021-present
- Technical expert, Hong Kong Accreditation Service, Innovation and Technology Commission, 2021-present
- Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of people in Hong Kong: psychological responses, health-related quality of life and subjective well-being. Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust Research and Publication Fund (Applied Research). (2021-2022). The Open University of Hong Kong, HK$97,500
- Perceptions, experiences, and management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of family caregivers of persons with dementia: A qualitative study. Research and Development Funding for Individual Academic Units. (2018-2020). The Open University of Hong Kong, HK$19,848
- Finding meaning in Chinese dementia family caregiving: A grounded theory study. Association of Hong Kong Nurses Professional Development Fund. (2015-2018). Hong Kong Association of Nursing Staff, HK$27,700