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Short Courses


Social Media Marketing

This course aims to teach students the concepts of social media marketing and highlights the popular tools of social media from the perspective of the buyer and seller. It involves the study of social networks, social media platforms and online marketing that offer an advantage in many areas such as marketing, consulting and brand management. This course will be conducted in classroom for 10 hours and computer lab for 20 hours.

Topics include:

  1. Basics of Social Media;
  2. Overview of Blogging;
  3. Social Networking;
  4. Use of Facebook as Marketing Tool;
  5. Use of Linkedln for Business;
  6. Twitter for Promoting Business;
  7. Media Sharing;
  8. Social Media Marketing on YouTube; and
  9. Analysis, Social Networking Measurement and Monitoring.

No section is offered this term (Spring 2024)