大學主管人員 | |
衞炳江教授 | President and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU |
黃定發教授 | Provost, HKBU |
呂愛平教授 | Vice-President (Research and Development), HKBU |
周偉立博士 | Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), HKBU |
鄒靄雲女士 | Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary, HKBU |
劉樂庭教授 | Interim Chief Innovation Officer |
卞兆祥教授 | Associate Vice-President (Chinese Medicine Development), HKBU |
張國威教授 | Associate Vice-President (Undergraduate Programmes), HKBU |
劉際明教授 | Associate Vice-President (Research Development), HKBU |
潘明倫教授 | Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research), HKBU |
持續教育策劃委員會 | |
衞炳江教授 | President and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU (Ex-officio) |
黃定發教授 | Provost, HKBU (Ex-officio) (Chairman) |
蔡琪頴女士 | Director of Estates, HKBU |
劉凱麟先生 | Director of Human Resources, HKBU |
李國銘先生 | Director of Finance, HKBU |
李兆璋教授 |
Director and Professor, Academy of Wellness and Human Development, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, HKBU |
阮邦志教授 |
Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Faculty of Science; Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, HKBU |
鍾志杰教授 | Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) (Member and Secretary) |
持續教育學院院務委員會 | |
衞炳江教授 | President and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU (Ex-officio) |
黃定發教授 | Provost, HKBU (Ex-officio) |
程淑麗女士 | Academic Registrar, HKBU (Ex-officio) |
鍾志杰教授 | Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) (Chairman) and Acting Director of College of International Education, SCE (Ex-officio) |
李南玉博士 | Associate Dean (Programme Development) and Head of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, SCE (Ex-officio) |
黎月瑩女士 | Head of Administration, SCE (Ex-officio) |
孫敏宜博士 | Head of Continuing and Professional Education, SCE (Ex-officio) |
梁淑琴博士 | Head of Nursing Education, SCE (Ex-officio) |
胡琬瑛女士 | Head of Registry, SCE (Ex-officio) |
鄭嘉麟博士 | Elected staff representative serving on the Senate, College of International Education, SCE (Ex-officio) |
李澤沛博士 | Representative of College of International Education Programme Board, SCE |
林非恩博士 | Representative of College of International Education Programme Board, SCE (Secretary) |
鄧銘澤博士 | Representative of Continuing and Professional Education Programme Board, SCE |
麥詩明女士 | Representative of Continuing and Professional Education Programme Board, SCE |
林從敏博士 | Representative of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Programme Board, SCE |
阮佩珊博士 | Representative of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Programme Board, SCE |
蔣頌恩博士 | Representative of Nursing Education Programme Board, SCE |
吳美芬博士 | Representative of Nursing Education Programme Board, SCE |
廖家嵐先生 | Student Representative from College of International Education, SCE |
陳旻駿先生 | Student Representative from Continuing and Professional Education Division, SCE |
鄧芷君小姐 | Student Representative from Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division, SCE |
劉子謙先生 | Student Representative from Division of Nursing Education, SCE |
陳美儀小姐 | Student Member of the Senate, SCE |
持續及專業教育諮詢委員會 | |
鄭概強博士 | Founder & Director, The Companions CCM Limited (Chairman) |
畢耀宇博士 | Senior Lecturer, School of Accountancy, Faculty of Business, Chinese University of Hong Kong |
張健俊先生 | Partner, Hastings & Co., solicitors & notaries |
周健忠先生 | Director, Wall City Flavor, Companion Creation Limited and Director, Hong Kong Catering Limited |
徐永忠先生 | Director, Wing Chung Jade Company |
簡文儉先生 | Former Senior Consultant (Executive Search), Brentwood International Consultants |
劉志明先生 | Director, Po Shing Construction Limited |
黃嘉儀博士 | Executive Director, Hong Kong, China Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability |
黃慶凱先生 | Founder and CEO, Active Learning Solutions Limited |
葉青山先生 | Director, Investment Services Department, Essence International Financial Holdings Ltd. |
鍾志杰教授 | Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) |
孫敏宜博士 | Head of Continuing and Professional Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener) |
國際學院諮詢委員會 | |
楊浩明先生 | Director and Part-time Lecturer, Vista Academy Co Limited (Chairman) |
程淑麗女士 | Academic Registrar, HKBU |
馮芷君女士 | Assistant Chief Executive, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod |
李志誠先生 | Principal, China Holiness Church Living Spirit College |
梁婉玲女士 | Marketing Director, The Mills |
梁恩銘先生 | Director of Education, WWF-Hong Kong |
雷煒程先生 | Executive Director, Longevity Design House Limited |
Ms. Shalini Mahtani | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Zubin Foundation |
蕭潮順先生 | Chairman and Managing Director, Wellfit Multi-Media Group Limited |
吳德龍教授 | Deputy Chairman, Poseidon Hill Capital Limited |
鍾志杰教授 | Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) and Acting Director of College of International Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener) |
幼兒及基礎教育部諮詢委員會 | |
郭家聲先生 | Director, Eagle Wide Limited (Chairman) |
陳筱笳女士 | Supervisor, Learning Habitat Kindergarten |
葉柏強教授 | Clinical Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong |
龔廣培先生 | Episcopal Delegate for Education, Catholic Education Office, The Catholic Diocesan Hong Kong |
劉偉海博士 | Head, Department of School Education, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong |
李佩珊女士 | Principal Social Services Secretary (Family & Child Care), Social Services Department, Po Leung Kuk |
梁惠玲女士 | Chief Executive Officer, Heep Hong Society |
蕭連英女士 | Principal, St. Matthias’ Church Chiu Chun Kindergarten |
鄧明慧女士 | Education Coordinator, Early Childhood Education Service, Hong Kong Christian Service |
葉惠儀女士 | Deputy Chief Executive Officer, SAHK |
鍾志杰教授 | Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) |
阮佩珊博士 | Acting Head of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener) |
護理教育諮詢委員會 | |
薛詠紅博士 | Past President, The Hong Kong College of Cardiac Nursing (Chairman) |
陳德勝博士 | President, HK Association for Conflict & Catastrophe Medicine |
陳穎兒女士 | Social Services Manager (Home Care and Professional Development), Yan Oi Tong Limited |
張旭紅女士 | Department Operations Manager, Department of Family Medicine & Primary Healthcare, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority |
莊美珍女士 | General Manager (Nursing), Chinese Medicine Hospital |
Prof. Junko Honda | Professor, Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community, University of Hyogo |
李惠兒博士 | Chief Nursing Officer, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital |
Prof. Liaw Sok Ying | Head & Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore |
岑浩强教授 | Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
唐華根博士 | Chief Manager (Nursing) / Chief Nurse Executive, Nursing Services Department, Hospital Authority Head Office, Hospital Authority |
鍾志杰教授 | Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) |
梁淑琴博士 | Head of Nursing Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener) |
名譽學者 | |
陳嘉琪教授 | The University of Hong Kong |
陳家華教授 | School of Communication, HKBU |
陳景祥教授 | Department of Journalism, HKBU |
陳佩儀教授 | Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine |
陳鏡治工程師 | Power Hub Ltd. |
陳玉蟬女士 | The University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital |
陳弋風教授 | Lingnan University |
陳艷教授 | The University of Hong Kong |
鄭玉如女士 | St. Paul's Hospital |
張國威教授 | Department of Computer Science, HKBU |
趙其琨教授 | Department of Management, HKBU |
朱耀偉教授 | The University of Hong Kong |
方富輝博士 | Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
馮麗姝博士 | City University of Hong Kong |
馮應謙教授 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
馮玉娟教授 | Hong Kong Metropolitan University |
劉詠聰教授 | Department of History, HKBU |
黃旭教授 | Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems, HKBU |
鄺可怡教授 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
藍志雄教授 | University of Macau |
劉永松教授 | Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, HKBU |
李慧心教授 | Hong Kong Metropolitan University |
梁灝鏘教授 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen |
李敏教授 | School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU |
李浩祥教授 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
廖慧嫺女士 | CUHK Medical Centre |
雷雄德博士 | The Education University of Hong Kong |
文潔華教授 | Hong Kong Metropolitan University |
吳福強先生 | Shun Hing Technology Company Limited, Shun Hing Group |
邱建文教授 | Department of Biology, HKBU |
石丹理教授 | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
施立培教授 | School of Business, HKBU |
黃富強教授 | Department of Social Work, HKBU |
黃金月教授 | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
賴錦玉教授 | Professor of International Nursing (Special Mission), Faculty of Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine |