



衞炳江教授 President and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU
黃定發教授 Provost, HKBU
呂愛平教授 Vice-President (Research and Development), HKBU
周偉立博士  Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), HKBU
鄒靄雲女士 Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary, HKBU
劉樂庭教授 Interim Chief Innovation Officer
卞兆祥教授 Associate Vice-President (Chinese Medicine Development), HKBU
張國威教授 Associate Vice-President (Undergraduate Programmes), HKBU
劉際明教授 Associate Vice-President (Research Development), HKBU
潘明倫教授 Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research), HKBU


衞炳江教授 President and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU (Ex-officio)
黃定發教授 Provost, HKBU (Ex-officio) (Chairman)
蔡琪頴女士 Director of Estates, HKBU
劉凱麟先生 Director of Human Resources, HKBU
李國銘先生 Director of Finance, HKBU

Director and Professor, Academy of Wellness and Human Development, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, HKBU


Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Faculty of Science;

Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, HKBU

鍾志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) (Member and Secretary)


衞炳江教授 President and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU (Ex-officio)
黃定發教授 Provost, HKBU (Ex-officio)
程淑麗女士 Academic Registrar, HKBU (Ex-officio)
鍾志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) (Chairman) and
Acting Director of College of International Education, SCE (Ex-officio)
李南玉博士 Associate Dean (Programme Development) and
Head of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, SCE (Ex-officio)
黎月瑩女士 Head of Administration, SCE (Ex-officio)
孫敏宜博士 Head of Continuing and Professional Education, SCE (Ex-officio)
梁淑琴博士 Head of Nursing Education, SCE (Ex-officio)
胡琬瑛女士 Head of Registry, SCE (Ex-officio)
鄭嘉麟博士 Elected staff representative serving on the Senate, College of International Education, SCE (Ex-officio)
李澤沛博士 Representative of College of International Education Programme Board, SCE
林非恩博士 Representative of College of International Education Programme Board, SCE (Secretary)
鄧銘澤博士 Representative of Continuing and Professional Education Programme Board, SCE
麥詩明女士 Representative of Continuing and Professional Education Programme Board, SCE
林從敏博士 Representative of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Programme Board, SCE
阮佩珊博士 Representative of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Programme Board, SCE
蔣頌恩博士 Representative of Nursing Education Programme Board, SCE
吳美芬博士 Representative of Nursing Education Programme Board, SCE
廖家嵐先生 Student Representative from College of International Education, SCE
陳旻駿先生 Student Representative from Continuing and Professional Education Division, SCE
鄧芷君小姐 Student Representative from Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division, SCE
劉子謙先生 Student Representative from Division of Nursing Education, SCE
陳美儀小姐 Student Member of the Senate, SCE


鄭概強博士 Founder & Director, The Companions CCM Limited (Chairman)
畢耀宇博士 Senior Lecturer, School of Accountancy, Faculty of Business, Chinese University of Hong Kong
張健俊先生 Partner, Hastings & Co., solicitors & notaries
周健忠先生 Director, Wall City Flavor, Companion Creation Limited and Director, Hong Kong Catering Limited
徐永忠先生 Director, Wing Chung Jade Company
簡文儉先生 Former Senior Consultant (Executive Search), Brentwood International Consultants
劉志明先生 Director, Po Shing Construction Limited
黃嘉儀博士 Executive Director, Hong Kong, China Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability
黃慶凱先生 Founder and CEO, Active Learning Solutions Limited
葉青山先生 Director, Investment Services Department, Essence International Financial Holdings Ltd.
鍾志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio)
孫敏宜博士 Head of Continuing and Professional Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)


楊浩明先生 Director and Part-time Lecturer, Vista Academy Co Limited (Chairman)
程淑麗女士 Academic Registrar, HKBU
馮芷君女士 Assistant Chief Executive, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service,
Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod
李志誠先生 Principal, China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
梁婉玲女士 Marketing Director, The Mills
梁恩銘先生 Director of Education, WWF-Hong Kong
雷煒程先生 Executive Director, Longevity Design House Limited
Ms. Shalini Mahtani Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Zubin Foundation
蕭潮順先生 Chairman and Managing Director, Wellfit Multi-Media Group Limited
吳德龍教授 Deputy Chairman, Poseidon Hill Capital Limited
鍾志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio) and
Acting Director of College of International Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)


郭家聲先生 Director, Eagle Wide Limited (Chairman)
陳筱笳女士 Supervisor, Learning Habitat Kindergarten
葉柏強教授 Clinical Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
龔廣培先生 Episcopal Delegate for Education, Catholic Education Office, The Catholic Diocesan Hong Kong
劉偉海博士 Head, Department of School Education, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong
李佩珊女士 Principal Social Services Secretary (Family & Child Care), Social Services Department, Po Leung Kuk
梁惠玲女士 Chief Executive Officer, Heep Hong Society
蕭連英女士 Principal, St. Matthias’ Church Chiu Chun Kindergarten
鄧明慧女士 Education Coordinator, Early Childhood Education Service, Hong Kong Christian Service
葉惠儀女士 Deputy Chief Executive Officer, SAHK
鍾志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio)
阮佩珊博士 Acting Head of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)


薛詠紅博士 Past President, The Hong Kong College of Cardiac Nursing (Chairman)
陳德勝博士 President, HK Association for Conflict & Catastrophe Medicine
陳穎兒女士 Social Services Manager (Home Care and Professional Development), Yan Oi Tong Limited
張旭紅女士 Department Operations Manager, Department of Family Medicine & Primary Healthcare, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
莊美珍女士 General Manager (Nursing), Chinese Medicine Hospital
Prof. Junko Honda Professor, Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community, University of Hyogo
李惠兒博士 Chief Nursing Officer, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital
Prof. Liaw Sok Ying Head & Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
岑浩强教授 Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
唐華根博士 Chief Manager (Nursing) / Chief Nurse Executive, Nursing Services Department, Hospital Authority Head Office, Hospital Authority
鍾志杰教授 Dean, SCE (Ex-officio)
梁淑琴博士 Head of Nursing Education, SCE (Ex-officio) (Convener)


陳嘉琪教授 The University of Hong Kong
陳家華教授 School of Communication, HKBU
陳景祥教授 Department of Journalism, HKBU
陳佩儀教授 Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
陳鏡治工程師 Power Hub Ltd.
陳玉蟬女士 The University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital
陳弋風教授 Lingnan University
陳艷教授 The University of Hong Kong
鄭玉如女士 St. Paul's Hospital
張國威教授 Department of Computer Science, HKBU
趙其琨教授 Department of Management, HKBU
朱耀偉教授 The University of Hong Kong
方富輝博士 Hong Kong Shue Yan University
馮麗姝博士 City University of Hong Kong
馮應謙教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
馮玉娟教授 Hong Kong Metropolitan University
劉詠聰教授 Department of History, HKBU
黃旭教授 Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems, HKBU
鄺可怡教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
藍志雄教授 University of Macau
劉永松教授 Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, HKBU
李慧心教授 Hong Kong Metropolitan University
梁灝鏘教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
李敏教授 School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU
李浩祥教授 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
廖慧嫺女士 CUHK Medical Centre
雷雄德博士 The Education University of Hong Kong
文潔華教授 Hong Kong Metropolitan University
吳福強先生 Shun Hing Technology Company Limited, Shun Hing Group
邱建文教授 Department of Biology, HKBU
石丹理教授 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
施立培教授 School of Business, HKBU
黃富強教授 Department of Social Work, HKBU
黃金月教授 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


賴錦玉教授 Professor of International Nursing (Special Mission), Faculty of Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine