


Professional Diploma in Information Management and Security

Certificate & Diploma Programme Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme持续进修基金编号: 33F110289
开课日期 : 2025年3月
截止报名 : 2025年2月8日

3411 1999


Programme Features

This programme aims to provide non-IT students with a theoretical framework, analytical skills and insights on the application of datasets. It employs a multi- disciplinary approach drawing the concepts from computing, statistics and social science. Students will be equipped with solid knowledge and skills to not only collect, process, analyse and present information to enhance organizational processes but also develop a framework of security and control for safeguarding information.

This programme consists of 7 courses, totaling 210 hours.



Subject Code Course Title Hours
Core Courses

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course

CEF Course Code: 33Z110354

This course aims to provide students with a broad range of knowledge to examine the relationship among information, Internet and people in a digital society. Students will nurture critical thinking by evaluating various issues of information technologies reshaping our daily life and transforming organizational processes. Topics include:

  1. Living in the information age
  2. Information and organizations
  3. Electronic commerce
  4. Social commerce
  5. Mobile commerce
  6. e-Marketing
  7. Establishing a smart city
  8. Issues of information security

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course

CEF Course Code: 33Z110311

Visualizing information effectively using vivid presentation becomes a prevailing way to attract users’ attention and influence their perception. This course aims to develop students with concepts and skills to utilize and integrate the powerful features of software tools to conglomerate a variety of relevant information for effective presentation. Topics include:

  1. New media designer
  2. Issues of new media
  3. Design process
  4. Setting up the presentation environment
  5. Interactivity of the presentation
  6. Manipulating audio and video files
  7. Collaborating information

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course

CEF Course Code: 33Z11032A

This course aims to provide students with the essential principles and techniques to design the architecture and user interfaces of modern database systems from a user perspective. Students will learn to not only manage data, extract useful information but also establish procedures to secure confidential data and ensure data integrity. Topics include:

  1. Database concepts
  2. Relational data modeling
  3. Normalization / Normalizing a relational database
  4. Securing your information
  5. Database design
  6. User interface design
  7. Designing reports
  8. Retrieving information

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course

CEF Course Code: 33Z110303

This course aims to provide students with the concepts of quantitative methods and application of information technology to analyse data. Students will acquire knowledge and skills for formulating problems, generating possible solutions, forecasting trends and evaluating information in the decision making process.

Topics include:

  1. Enhancing decision making
  2. Decision support systems
  3. Statistics and technology
  4. Descriptive statistics
  5. Calculating descriptive statistics
  6. Analysing data
  7. Forecasting and trend analysis

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course

CEF Course Code: 33Z110346

This course aims to provide students with a systematic approach of systems development in building information systems to enhance organizational efficiency. Students will be given hands-on practices to experience computer programming. Topics include:

  1. Systems development life cycle
  2. Project management
  3. Alternate systems building approach
  4. Macros
  5. Programming
  6. Controlling program flow
  7. Debugging

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course

CEF Course Code: 33Z11029A

This course aims to equip students with new concepts of big data management supported by current information technology to collect, organize and analyse large datasets in a digital economy. Students will acquire knowledge and skills to gain an insight from structured and unstructured data, and generate meaningful information for making quality decisions. Topics include:

  1. Introduction to big data
  2. Big data and business cases
  3. Structuring the unstructured data
  4. Big data tools and techniques
  5. Building the data team
  6. Integrating big data into the organization
  7. Governance of big data

Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Programme / Course

CEF Course Code: 33Z110338

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and concepts of securing information systems from evolving cyber threats and system vulnerability. Students will learn to establish a framework of security and control to protect information privacy and reduce liability of organizations. Topics include:

  1. IT infrastructure and business-driven technology
  2. System Vulnerability
  3. Computer crimes and cybersecurity
  4. Security and control
  5. E-commerce security
  6. Cloud security
  7. Technologies for security
  8. Social and legal issues in the information age

Students who have obtained a passing grade in each course will be awarded the Professional Diploma in Information Management and Security.

Application Fee: HK$150 (non-refundable)
Tuition Fee: HK$30,240 (by four instalments)

Classes and examinations will be held on weekday evenings (normally two classes per week) at SCE Learning Centres.

1. Holder of an Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma or equivalent; OR

2. Aged 23 or above with lower academic qualifications and three years’ relevant work experience; 


3. Attained a required level of English proficiency equivalent to Band 6.0 in the IELTS / Grade E in HKALE Use of English / Level 3 at HKDSE English Language; OR

4. Applicants may be required to sit for an entrance test which assesses their English language proficiency.

Applicants may submit application through (A) online system, or (B) hard-copy submission by mail or in-person.


(A) Application through online system

  1. Enter SCE Online Application System and fill in required data.
  2. Upload files of the following documents onto the system:
    1. proof for relevant academic qualifications and professional qualifications, e.g. certificate of public examinations (application for exemption should be submitted with supporting documents which include transcript/result slip, certificate and course syllabus);
    2. proof for relevant work experience (if any);
    3. any pertinent supporting documents; and
    4. a recent photograph (1.5” x 2”).
  3. Make payment for the application fee for admission, and handling fee for exemption (HK$200 per course if applicable) through the Online Payment Gateway.

(B) Application through hard-copy submission

  1. Download and complete Application for Admission form (SCE-AF-002)
  2. Attach PHOTOCOPIES of the following documents:
    1. HKID card;
    2. proof for relevant academic qualifications and professional qualifications, e.g. certificate of public examinations (application for exemption should be submitted with supporting documents which include transcript/result slip, certificate and course syllabus);
    3. proof for relevant work experience (if any);
    4. any pertinent supporting documents.
  3. Attach two recent photographs (1.5” x 2”).
  4. Make payment for the application fee for admission, and handling fee for exemption (HK$200 per course if applicable), in the form of a crossed cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Baptist University” with applicant’s name, contact number and programme name written at the back. Applicants who submit application in-person may make payment with cash or EPS.
  5. Complete set of application should be submitted either by-mail or in-person at the following address(es).



School of Continuing Education

Hong Kong Baptist University

2/F, Franki Centre, 320 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong

(Please mark the title of the programme applied on the envelope)  


DLB Office (Kowloon Tong Campus Centre)

4/F, David C. Lam Building, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon


Wan Chai Learning Centre Office

26/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong


Counter Service Hours:

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am-8:00 pm

Sat: 9:00 am-4:00 pm

(Closed on Sun, Public Holidays and School Holidays)

Town Learning Centre Office

6/F, 8 Hart Venue, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon


Kowloon East Learning Centre Office

7/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon


Counter Service Hours:

Mon-Fri: 12:00 pm-8:00 pm

Sat: 12:00 pm-4:00 pm

(Closed on Sun, Public Holidays and School Holidays)  


  • Applicants will be requested to present the HKID card and original copies of all credentials for verification. Those who submit application in-person may bring along the HKID card and original credentials for verification.
  • All fees paid are non-refundable.

  • All documents submitted together with the application form will not be returned to applicants. For unsuccessful applications, the documents and forms will be destroyed and the electronic files will be deleted.
  • Notes to non-local applicants – Part-time certificate/diploma programmes are generally not considered by the Immigration Department for visa purposes. For a non-permanent Hong Kong resident, it is his/her responsibility to check whether he/she can take the programme before making application.

Students can apply for Credit Transfer/Exemption under the following conditions:

  1. Credit Transfer will be considered if students have completed (or are currently studying) the required courses offered by the School prior to admission to the programme. Courses concerned will be automatically transferred to the programme and supporting documents are not required.
  2. Exemption will be considered if students possess a demonstrated competence (e.g. passed relevant courses in public examinations or other institutes) equivalent to the learning outcomes of the course to be studied. Supporting documents such as course syllabuses, transcripts or certificates should be submitted.

The above request(s) should be submitted when applying for admission. Late application will not be considered. Courses that are being studied or pending for result/certificate should also be reported at the time of admission, followed by the submission of supporting documents for approval upon release of result/issuance of certificate.

Credit Transfer/Exemption will not be granted if such qualifications have not been reported during admission or if they are obtained after registration in the programme.

Remarks for Credit Transfer/Exemption are shown as below:


Course Remark Code Description
EX Course Exempted
TC Credit Transferred

Limitations for Credit Transfer/Exemption

For all Programmes of Levels 1 to 2, the maximum exemption and credit transfer is limited to half of the total number of programme hours. For all Programmes of Level 3 or above, the maximum exemption is limited to one quarter of the total number of programme hours, while the sum of exemption and credit transfer is still limited to half of the total number of programme hours. In the case that the number of hours of exempted and/or transferred credit course(s) (including the course(s) being studied) has exceeded the maximum allowance, students should submit explanations and approval will be granted at the School’s discretion.


Example 1 The Certificate in Spanish (Introductory) (Level 1 programme) requires student to complete four courses (120 hours in total). Application for Credit Transfer and Exemption should not exceed 60 hours.
Example 2 The Certificate in Jewellery Design & Production (Level 2 programme) requires student to complete six courses (180 hours in total). Application for Credit Transfer and Exemption should not exceed 90 hours.
Example 3 The Certificate in Marketing Studies (Level 3 programme) requires student to complete six courses (180 hours in total). Application for Credit Transfer and Exemption should not exceed 90 hours in total while the Exemption should not exceed 45 hours.
Example 4 The Advanced Diploma in Accounting (Level 4 programme) requires student to complete 16 courses (480 hours in total). Application for Credit Transfer and Exemption should not exceed 240 hours in total while the Exemption should not exceed 120 hours.

Applicants may refer to the Exemption List for reference.


2025年1月27日 (星期一)








Q: When will I know if I have been admitted?

A: The admission result will be sent to applicants via e-mail within 10 working days after the application deadline.


Q: When will I know the result of my application for course exemption?

A: Result of application for course exemption will be released together with the admission result via e-mail.


Q: Can I change from one programme to another?

A: Once the offer is confirmed upon completion of registration, applicants are not allowed to change to another programme. Applicants are required to submit a new application with relevant documents and application fee for another programme.

持续进修基金可获发还款项课程/科目 本课程已加入持续进修基金可获发还款项课程名单内。 本课程 / 本单元所属之主体课程(资讯管理与保安专业文凭)在资历架构下获得认可(资历架构第5级)。


持续教育学院的课程(包括由浸会大学、或学院颁授学衔的课程,以及与其他大学合办的课程) 在多个教学地点进行(即九龙塘和石门(沙田)校园,以及位于尖沙咀、九龙东和湾仔的教学中心)。所有校园及教学中心均设备齐全,以支援学生的学习。

