Dr. Amelia N.Y. Lee, MH | 李南玉博士, MH
Associate Dean; Acting Director, College of International Education
Teaching Areas
- Education Policy
- Teaching and Learning
- Psychology of Learning
- Parent Education
Research Interests
- Parent Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Policy Studies
Selected Projects/Presentations/Publications
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2020-2021). Co-investigator of Self-perception of Gifted Students on Their Creative Work, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University & The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education Limited.
- 孔美琪、王明善、李南玉、李漪湄、唐少勳、楊黃蕙吟、藍美容 (2020)。《薪火相傳 始於幼兒教育—中華傳統文化教學活動集》(優質教育基金贊助),香港:世界幼兒教育聯會—香港分會。
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2019). Cross-Sector Collaboration to Foster Nature-Based Learning Opportunities for Kindergarten Children in Hong Kong. Presentation at the Nature-based Early Education Conference 2019, Manchester, United
- Reviewer of research proposals for the Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) from Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector under the Research Grants Council (2018).
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2017). Enhancing Quality Early Childhood Education by Quality Assurance. Presentation at the OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2017). Strategies to Upgrade the Qualifications of Primary School Teachers: A Hong Kong Experience. Invited keynote presentation at the 1st International Elementary Teacher Education Forum, Hunan First Norman University, Hunan, China.
- Lee, N.Y. Amelia, & Bagley, Carl (2016). School Choice with Education Vouchers: An Empirical Case Study from Hong Kong. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 26(1), 3-18. Published online: 17 Aug 2016:10.1080/09620214.2016.1158121
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2016). Curriculum of Early Childhood Teacher Education in Hong Kong Presentation at OMEP 68th World Assembly and International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2015 Ed.), SCE 40th Anniversary Anthology of Education Theses, Hong Kong Baptist University.
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2015). School Choice under the Voucher Regime in Hong Kong: a theoretical framework. Presentation at the OMEP 67th World Assembly and International Conference, Washington, D.C., the USA.
- Manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Quality School Education, the Institute of Education, Hong Kong (2015).
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2014). Empowerment of Parents or Social Segregation of Students: the case of the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme in Hong Kong. Paper presented at OMEP International Conference 2014 in Cork, Ireland.
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (2013). The Impact of the Pre-primary Education Voucher Regime on School Choice in Hong Kong. Unpublished Thesis. Durham, U.K.: Durham University.
- 李南玉 (2013)。家長教育再思。《非牟利幼兒教育機構議會—10周年紀念特刊》,頁40-41。
- Lam, M. Y. H., Kong, A., Lee, N.Y. A, & Leung, G. (2011). OMEP World Project – Hong Kong Children’s Voices on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Paper presented to the 63rd O.M.E.P. World Conference – Special Symposium I: Education for sustainable development all overall world (ESD). Hong Kong SAR, China.
- 李南玉、王淑儀、伍寶珠、余昆富、李麗梅合編 (2010)。《開來繼往,教學相長─香港浸會大學持續教育學院三十五周年紀念論文集》,香港:香港浸會大學持續教育學院。
- Reviewer for New Horizons in Education, Hong Kong Teachers’ Association (2008-2015)
- 李南玉 (2009)。回顧學前教育新措施。《非牟利幼兒教育機構議會—5周年紀念特刊》。頁32-33。
- 李南玉 (2006年10月26日)。 幼兒學券與教育資助演變。《明報》,論壇版。
- 李南玉、巢立仁、王淑儀、梁玉華、陳得娣合編 (2006)。《新世紀學前與基楚教育的新氣象》,香港:香港浸會大學持續教育學院。
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia (1993). Coping with Workload and Time Constraint. In John Biggs & David Watkins (Eds.), Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong: What is and what might be (pp. 77–85). Hong Kong: the University of Hong Kong.
- Lee, N. Y. Amelia & Wan, C. C. (1990). Training (Capability Development) in a Hong Kong Higher Education Institution. Paper presented to Pacific Region Association for Higher Education/Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (PRAHE/HERDSA) (NZ) 1990 Conference.
Professional / Community Services
- Advisor of the Kindergarten Resource Centre, Education Bureau (2019–present)
- Member of the Country and Marine Parks Board, Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department (2017-present)
- Member of the Assessment and Monitoring Sub-committee of the Education Bureau Quality Education Fund, Education Bureau (2017-present)
- Member of the Task Force on Home-School Co-operation and Parent Education, Education Commission (2017-2019)
- Member of the Advisory Committee on Performance Indicators (Pre-primary Institutions), Education Bureau (2014-2017)
- Member/Chairperson of the Committee on Early Childhood Education under the Curriculum Development Council Committee (CDC), Education Bureau (2011/2013-2017)
- Ex-officio member of Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) (2013-2017)
- Member of the Sub-Committee on Communication Strategy under the Committee on Free Kindergarten Education, Education Bureau (2013-2015)
Professional Community Work
- Exco-member and President (2015 -2017) of OMEP-Hong Kong
- Member of the Executive Committee of Hearing-Impaired Student Support Service of the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
- Member of the 38th Yan Oi Tong Board of Directors (Education Services Committee)
- Honourable Advisor of Yan Chai Hospital’s Social Service Department
- Honourable Advisor of the Kowloon City District Kindergarten Heads Association
- Honourable Advisor of the Sham Shui Po District Early Childhood Education Heads Association
- Honourable Advisor of the Yuen Long District Kindergarten Heads Association
- Honourable Advisor of the Hong Kong Early Childhood Educators Association
- Honourable Advisor of the Hong Kong Kindergarten Association
- Honourable Advisor of the Hong Kong Baptist University’s AIESEC
- School Manager of Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School
- School Manager of Hong Kong Baptist University Kindergarten
- Research Project “Wonder and Discovery: Celebrating Nature-based Early Childhood Education” under the Research Matching Grant Scheme (2020).
- Provision of Services for the Development of a Curriculum Framework on Parent Education (Kindergarten), commissioned by the Education Bureau (2020-2021).
- Provision of Services for Resource Centre for Kindergartens: Design of the Centre and Development of Learning and Teaching Resources, commissioned by the Education Bureau (2017-2018).